What I Have Never Had Part 2

In my entire life, all 45 years of it, I have never had a woman who truly understands me and wants me to be happy with all her heart.  There has always been manipulation or hidden agendas.  I have never had a woman who wants to sacrifice a bit to help me reach for the best life possible. I have often been surrounded by selfishness.  I have never had a woman who understands my emotional and personal background.  I have never had a woman with empathy and compassion and who sees me as a very sexual being and can not keep her hands off me and is ready and willing to explore with me sexually.  All these things that I have never had are the love that I seek in the second half of my life.  My dear second mom Sally always said that I have a powerful spirit that can create all that I have ever wanted in this life.  She also said that my soulmate is coming with a love and understanding like I have never had before.  Someone who will be everything that I have ever yearned for in a lover and a long term significant other.

A Special Wish!

My Virgo one is struggling with a recurring health issue today.  I can relate since I have been dealing with chronic health issues myself for a long time.  I want to send a prayer and energy to the universe for her to feel better and for her life to get smoother, happier and easier.  She truly deserves it because of her helpful heart and spirit.  We both deserve happiness and better lives.  Please my spirit guides help us both!

Deepest Wishes!

My ladylove will look at me with absolute joy in her heart.  She will be helpful and supportive and giving not demanding or controlling.  She will be full of desire for me and won’t be able to keep her hands off of me and will love me more than I have ever been loved before and understand me better than ever as well. This is the love that I seek.  Someone who is in sync with my energy and hopes, dreams and attitudes.  She will spend quality time with me and make me feel appreciated, understood, wanted and needed and like I am special.  I want to feel like a king in her world.  She must be in sync with my energy and be kind because I seek to heal and take control of my life for the first time in a very long time.  I am very strong willed about what I want and need to be happy.  I want love and sexuality and understanding like I have never had before.

My First Big Health Breakthrough!

On January 9th 2015, as I have written on here, I had major 4 hour surgery.  Today, August 14th, 2015 a whole eight months later my wound care is finally done and I will start 20 sessions of physical therapy.  This is done to break up scar tissue and help me get my libido and sex drive back.  This area is as important as air to me but only with my soul mate and twin flame.  This is an area where communication is deeply important to success and satisfaction and fun.  My ladylove will be drawn to my mind, communication and spirit.  She will feel happy and safe with me and I will feel the same with her. She will have the empathy and compassion to understand my situation.

A Health Update And Gratitude!

On September 8th I am going under anesthesia to have several biopsies taken of the sores on my bottom.  I truly hope that this will lead to a successful solution to this painful and frustrating problem.  I am truly so grateful that my special Virgo has been around to help and support me through all of this.  She means the world to me!  One of the things she has said to me is that she wants me to be happy and that is precious to me because I have never had a woman like that before who understands big parts of my emotional background and cares about me.  I love that I can completely be myself with her, including my bad days and anxieties.


The first line in the last blog should have read a woman who understands the need for quality time with me.  Not my need for quality time with me.  That typo made it sound like I want to spend more time by myself and I have had way too much of that! 🙂

Great Desire!

I look forward to the day when I am with a woman who understands the need for quality time with me.  A woman who can’t keep her hands off me and is very sexual but the desire must not just come from physical attraction but also from communication and understanding as well as an emotional and spiritual connection.  A love that I have never had but yearn for.